Nowadays, the word of MOOC has spread more and there are many initiatives in cooperation with prestigious universities and higher education institutions in different forms to offer open online courses for instance: Stanford online courses, MITx, edX, Google MOOC, Udacity, Coursera etc.
Although, yet there is no common definition and understanding of MOOC and the way it is practiced. For example some people make distinction between connectivist MOOCs (c-MOOCs: e.g. PLENK, CCK) and other types of MOOCs (x-MOOCs e.g. Coursera, edX) in how they are run and financed. See this post by George Siemens for more explanations. Whatever the forms and approaches to MOOC are, the big question is that how they will transform current practices and traditions of universities and what they can really offer? Is it a promising transformation in education or just hype?
Here are some resources related to MOOCs and online courses:
Stephen Downes and George Siemens pioneers in
MOOC have created mooc.ca
as a portal to center their activities about MOOC. Here Downes also has put
some resources to find
open online courses.
is necessary and what is contingent in MOOC design presentation by George
Roberts et al. 'Conventional'
online universities consider strategic response to MOOCs Inside Higher Ed